Mintell4EU WP1

Work package 1, Management, communication, dissemination, and sustainability


The main purpose of WP1 is to manage, coordinate and monitor the overall progress of the project, and ensure that the project meets the objectives stated for the work described in the Project Agreement. WP1 must ensure proper coordination across Work Packages and that WP leaders and partners respect the timeline and deliverables. Furthermore, WP1 will focus on dissemination of the project results during the project life-span as well as maximizing the impacts after the end of the project. WP1 will focus on developing and implementing a data management plan as well as a comprehensive communication plan addressing the multiple stakeholders of the project. In terms of communication and dissemination activities WP1 will:

  1. Disseminate information on the project, its progress and results to the wider community operating in the field of Raw Materials Knowledge Base in the EU and beyond, including national, local, regional public authorities, other interested third parties and the general public;
  2. Ensure that the project’s benefits are clearly and systematically promoted and foster a two-way dialogue with stakeholders;
  3. Raise awareness and visibility on the importance of improving Europe’s framework conditions for Raw Materials Knowledge Base;
  4. Foster the connection with existing EU and Member States initiatives and projects relevant to the project outcomes.

Lastly, WP1 will have a dedicated task to guide activities in different work packages towards more consolidated and sustainable solutions taking into account technical sustainability (through integration with the EGDI), but also exploring possible sources of future funding to keep the e-Minerals Yearbook and Minerals Inventory updated. The task will, furthermore, liaise with other related raw materials projects like ORAMA to make sure that related activities are coordinated across projects.

Description of work

A) Management

This work package is in the first place in charge of the coordination and project management tasks, including organizing project meetings and coordinating the reporting. All participants are required to adhere to the project management procedures that will be elaborated, consolidated and described in an Inception Report following a dedicated project workshop at the first project meeting.

Task 1.1 Management and reporting (Lead GEUS, contribution from all partners) (Month 1-36)
  • Organize project meetings, kick-off meeting, other full consortiums meetings, and a closing meeting;
  • Keep track of progress and costs against budgeted expenditure;
  • Manage the WP leaders and monitor the project progress against tasks, deliverables, milestones, and use of resources;
  • Coordinate actions across work packages;
  • Report on progress and expenditure;
  • Process claims and validation that the project expenditure is in accordance with the eligibility criteria and the project agreement;
  • Producing and continuously updating a Data Management Plan for the project supplementing the overall GeoERA Data Management Plan (D1.1);
  • Producing a detailed project management plan, a so-called Inception Report resulting from a dedicated workshop at the first project meeting (D1.2).

The reporting part will run for the entire duration of the project and will consist of:

  • Management reports (D1.3) including expenditure against the profile.
B) Communication and dissemination
Task 1.2 Communication Plan (Lead: GeoZS, contribution from all partners) (Month 1-36)

In addition to management of the project, WP1 will produce a detailed Communication and Dissemination Plan (D1.4) defining goals, audience and appropriate channels. The plan will define resources to be allocated, media to be used, messages and sources. This will take into account the complexity of actors addressed by the project. The focus will be on the major audiences: policy makers dealing with Raw Materials resources challenges:

  • National, regional and local administrators and public institutions responsible for Raw Materials management;
  • Civil society;
  • Industry;
  • The general public.
Task 1.3 Dissemination and communication of project results (Lead: GeoZS, contribution from all partners) (Month 1-36)

In accordance with its main objectives, WP1 will coordinate communication with the rest of GeoERA and the outside world. Furthermore, WP1 will disseminate the project results to target stakeholders by implementing tailored activities that will follow the project progress and deliverables according to the Communication and Dissemination Plan produced by task T1.2. Specific attention will be given to the promotion of the project results produced by other WPs to better illustrate the concrete challenges of improving and sustaining the Raw Materials Knowledge Base by periodically delivering a Minerals Yearbook and Inventory Information System. The project outcomes will be presented in an understandable way for no-scientific audiences in order to facilitate their adoption as a tool for policy makers and interested parties. Dissemination material will be produced according to identified needs.

C) Sustainability
Task 1.4 Sustainability (Lead: GEUS, contribution from all partners) (Month 1-30)

The European Raw Materials (RM) challenges have led to numerous EU funded RM projects that have each added to the complexity of the Knowledge Data Platform landscape. The actions carried out by the Mintell4EU project all contribute to a consolidation of this and the close coordination with the EGDI initiative through the GeoERA Information Platform project further facilitates long-term sustainability. The current task is responsible for coordinating and guiding all activities in the project towards sustainable solutions and liaise with other running EU projects such as ORAMA to make sure that they target the same goals. The task will, furthermore, explore possible funding mechanisms that could contribute to the setting up of more permanent governance structures to secure continuous updates and maintenance of the e-Minerals Yearbook, Minerals Inventory and other systems that contribute to the EU Raw Materials Knowledge Base, which to a high degree will be an integral part of the EGDI after the end of the project. The task will produce a roadmap with recommendations of activities to be conducted after the end of the project to further work towards a long-term sustainable EURMKB.